gender, age, work performance, work stressAbstract
To find out and analyze the relationship between gender and age towards achievement and work stress at PT XYZ. This research is a quantitative study using two-way ANOVA and Regression Analysis with the help of SPSS 16.0 software to test the hypothesis. The results show that there is a relationship between gender and age on work performance, gender and age on work stress and the effect of work performance and work stress at PT XYZZ with the respective P. value of 0.0 (<0.05). This study shows that gender and age differences have a role in the success of work performance and the risk of job stress, so that leaders are expected to be able to make strategies and organize employees in such a way as to create the desired organizational goals. This research was conducted by looking at the relationship between the two demographic variables, namely gender and age, on achievement and work stress at PT XYZ and the research method used was quantitative with two-way ANOVA and Regression Analysis.
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